Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Jeremy Gilbert - Rolfe

This is an artist that i stumbled across today. I was drawn by the matt colour pallet and how he creates an unbalanced form that looks as though it is about to topple over. The flatness of colour brings this colourful pixelation to life. The positioning leads my eyes from left to right sinking into the red void of the canvas. He discusses his work in terms of beauty, a commonly known term traditionally, but played down in the contemporary world as 'low art.'

"I want to discuss this beauty in terms of a differential relationship with a sublime found, nowadays, less in a now finite nature than in an infinite technology which has overlaid or surrounded or otherwise appeared, irreversibly, alongside it. But here I have confined myself to a question about beauty." To me a work is successful if it is aesthetically pleasing, if it doesn't play up or down any cultural or political concerns, it is as it is for its genuine beauty. Which is what Gilbert - Rolfe presents perfectly. 

If you are interested in reading more on aesthetics and beauty here is the reading that I retrieved that quote from: http://www.strikingdistance.com/xtra/XTra100/v2n3/jgr.html

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