Sunday, 30 September 2012

Art for Art Sake

This is one of the movements that I am currently looking into. 'Art for Arts Sake' is a movement formed through modernism around the 20th century. The Phrase Art for arts sake condenses the notion that art has its own value and should be judged apart from any themes which it might touch on, such as morality, religion, history, or politics, basically erasing the notion of weight to a lighter content.

" it maintained an art that had turned inward and away from everyday concerns, and it maintained the traditional structure of the art world - the world of galleries museums - that supported it"

I see this movement in formal terms of line, shape, colour, space composition which effectively remove the question of meaning and purpose from consideration and permitted whatever social, political or progressive statements the artist had hope to make in his or her work to be conveniently ignored or played down. In turns of my practice I see my works as the are a 'light' subtle illusion on the opaque colour field , where this emerge from the surface through a viewers movement. This concept leans toward abstraction but does not give away any heavy concepts.

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