Saturday, 29 September 2012

The originality of the Avant Garde and other Modernist Myths

Grids (1985).  p. 8 - 22

"The grid's mythic power is that it makes us able to think we are dealing with materialism ( or sometimes science or logic) while at the same time it provides us with a release into a brief illusion or fiction."

When researching into grids in Agnes Martin's works I came across a writing by Krauss, E. R. Grids in my own practice are not so precise they rely on close attention, where there is a push/ pull motion of fluidity of line against hard geometric line or shall I say mechanical line.
 Untitled (Close up), 2012. Mix Media - Acyric Paint, Watercolour and Gloss on Paper. 27.9 x 21.0  cm 

 This painting is one that I exhibited in the Year 2 show last Wednesday. When I begin to puncher the paper with a circular hole, or make an incision mark with a craft knife I begin to see a grid to unfold, only to send a subtle hint to the view that it is present.

As Krauss states: "... it makes us think that we are dealing with materialism" (1985)
The exploration into the materiality of paint has been my main focus for this semester and I think by combining these hard edge forms against soft fluid forms of watercolour paint emphases the presence of the grid. As there is no complete grid that is evident like Agnes Martins, the grids form through my intuitive process causing 'brief illusions' (1985) on the colour field.

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